International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world


Call for articles: 40th Anniversary of the ISSN network




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Since its inception in the 1970s, the ISO standard ISSN has remained an essential identifier for print and online serials and continuing resources worldwide. The main value of this identifier relies on the quality of the metadata provided by trained library professionals around the globe. The ISSN network, that currently comprises 88 national centres and the International centre based in Paris, will celebrate its 40th anniversary in 2015. A special issue of the journal Ciência da Informação (ISSN 1518-8353) will be published by the Brazilian Institute of Science and Technology Information (IBICT), research unit of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation in Brazil, to mark this occasion.

IBICT would like to collect contributions that will trace back the evolution of ISSN and discuss its place among the current ecosystem of serials publishing and information identifiers.

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