ISSN Newsletter n° 104 - February 2022
 ISSN news
ISSN International Centre will participate in UKSG 45th Annual Conference and Exhibition
ISSN International Centre representatives will attend the conference and hold a booth. UKSG will be delivering the event both in-person in Telford, UK, and digitally.
Save the date: May 30 2022 – 10:00 to June 01 2022 – 13:15.
View the programme.
Core Continuing Resources Cataloging Committee Update Forum
The Core Continuing Resources Cataloging Committee (CRCC) invites anyone involved with continuing resources to attend their longstanding, popular CRCC Forum. This annual event offers a venue for catalogers and serialists to gather and share ideas and updates within the continuing resources community.
Scheduled are: Regina Reynolds, Director, U.S. ISSN Center at the Library of Congress; Paul Frank & Melanie Polutta, both with Policy, Training, and Cooperative Programs Division, Library of Congress; Hien Nguyen, CONSER Coordinator, Cooperative Programs and Policy Section Head, Library of Congress; and Steve Shadle, Head of Serials Cataloging, University of Washington, who will present on the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Save the date and register: February 24, 2022, 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. PST (2:00 p.m-3:30 p.m. EST).
JASPER project: an update
Project JASPER was launched in November 2020 by DOAJ, CLOCKSS, Internet Archive, Keepers Registry and Public Knowledge Project to start addressing the problem of journals disappearing from the web, a phenomenon evidenced by research. ISSN International Centre’s partner, DOAJ, is keen to update the community on the progress to date. The project’s testing phase was launched, with the establishment and development of a process to ingest journal titles and the sustained commitment of the founding organisational partners; PKP has updated the documentation about the Open Journal System preservation features and Internet Archive has joined Keepers Registry. The project partners are now poised to include more journals and more preservation agencies.
 Digital preservation
Against the Grain special section on past, present and future of web archiving
Against the Grain‘s latest issue (December 2021/January 2022) includes a special section on the past, present and future of web archiving. Read the editorial and view the table of contents. All articles are open.
The Russian State Library is to take over the duties of the Russian Book Chamber
On 26 January 2021, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin signed an order, transferring the duties of the Russian Book Chamber to the Russian State Library.
The merger of the two structures will lead to the emergence of the world’s largest national library and information fund, storing about 200 million documents. The merger of workflows, technologies, and best practices will eliminate duplication of efforts in such areas as cataloguing, accounting, and storage, streamline the digital transformation of the legal deposit system, reduce costs for publishers, and ultimately, improve compliance with the legal deposit regulations.
Managing metadata, managing hybridity
The OCLC Research Library Partners Metadata Managers Focus Group met in June 2021 to consider together the impact of the changes brought about by remote working. The group discussed how they have managed changes, what they have learned through them, and which are likely to stick and why. Metadata managers from 40 institutions across seven countries shared their observations and experiences, demonstrating both continuation of and evolution from the issues they and their staff have been working through since library spaces and services were initially disrupted in 2020.
Debates de seguimiento en España: sesión sobre RIM y comunicación científica
Esta entrada de blog, cuya versión en inglés está disponible, es un informe sobre la mesa redonda en español sobre metadatos de próxima generación (NGM) celebrada en marzo 2021, la reunión de seguimiento celebrada en septiembre 2021 y la sesión sobre la Gestión de la Información de Investigación (Research Information Management o RIM) y Comunicación Científica el pasado 3 de noviembre 2021.
Charleston Conference Proceedings, 2020
The theme of the 2020 Charleston Conference was Quo Vadis – Where Are We Going?
The virtual Conference saw a surge in attendance with an almost 150% increase from 2019, and Conference attendees continued to remark on the informative and thought‐provoking sessions in a virtual environment. The proceedings provide an overview of such subjects as collection development, management, end users, scholarly communication, and technology issues.
EBSCO Information Services Releases CAB Abstracts® with Full Text
 Open Science
The International Science Council action plan for 2022 – 2024: Science and society in transition
The Council’s second Action Plan will guide the Council’s work until the end of 2024. It builds on ISC activities and achievements to date, reflects the lessons that have been learned in implementing the first Action Plan (2019 – 2021), and responds to the evolving global context within which science operates.
This document presents the Council’s prospective scientific and organizational priorities and related activities for the 2022–2024 period. Two projects are particularly interesting: The future of scientific publishing and Open Science in the global South.
Paris Call on Research Assessment
 Open Access
CCSD and COAR announce plans to launch preprint directory
The Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe (CCSD) of France and the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) have announced their formal collaboration to launch a directory of open access preprint repositories. The directory will build on the outcomes of a project undertaken by the French Committee for Open Science (Preprints Platforms Project). COAR will develop a database and user interface and will host the preprint directory; CCSD will be curating the metadata records ensuring the registry remains up-to-date. The directory will be publicly available for all, and, as much as possible, will align with other related directories, such as OpenDOAR and the ASAPbio list of preprint servers.
Voir l’annonce en français
 Publishing Industry
Taylor & Francis partners with The Conversation Africa to amplify African research
Taylor & Francis and The Conversation Africa announce a renewal of their partnership to facilitate African researchers in increasing public engagement with their work and expertise. By acting as a Funding Partner, Taylor & Francis will work with The Conversation Africa to highlight essential African research and offer Taylor & Francis authors, journal editors, and publishing partners closer links with the African news website.
Emerald Publishing’s Time for change report 2021
Now in its third year, Emerald’s Time for change report 2021 explores the challenges within academic culture and gauges interest for change. Themes include research evaluation, academic culture, openness and transparency and the evolving role of the publisher. Many publishers now offer a range of publishing options and support services, including fully open access or ‘hybrid’ journals and platforms. But do these changes go far enough? Some argue that publishers should overhaul their business models and become more transparent and affordable. Others believe the sector must change how it evaluates research, rather than focus on how or where research is published.
Webinar: So can publishing respond to a crisis? An evidence-informed approach
This webinar organized by OASPA in January 2022, takes an evidence-informed approach to how publishers and others in the scholarly communications system responded to the pandemic and explore what the findings can tell us about the future of scholarly communication.
Open Access, Open Data Increase Demand for STM Online Services
The report STM Online Services 2021-2025 provides detailed market information for STM online services. It analyzes trends impacting the industry and forecasts market growth to 2025. The report includes an in-depth review of 10 leading scientific and technical publishers. It focuses on the databases that offer online content or abstracting and indexing, and are sold to academic, government and commercial customers. It found that between 2018 and 2021, online services revenue grew faster than STM journals or books. The larger players will ultimately gain the most from this new opportunity.
 Scholarly Communication
APE 2022 – The Future of The Permanent Record
The author provides a summary of the latest edition of the conference Academic Publishing in Europe (APE) held online in January 2022. Among many subjects addressed, Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, NISO (National Information Standards Organisation), Washington, DC, has drawn attention to the importance of persistent identifiers, such as those for books (ISBN), journals (ISSN), and digital publications (DOI), for metadata infrastructures, content discoverability and dissemination channels. This also directly relates to the focus that Martyn Rittman, Product Manager, Crossref, has placed on the metadata quality, which is especially relevant for Open Access infrastructures that need to constantly adapt to be able to handle a wide variety of content formats, such as empirical datasets, methodology protocols, and digital contributions.
You can find another report of the event here and there.
The recordings will be available until long after the conference as part of the Permanent Record.
Innovating peer review, reconfiguring scholarly communication
The post summarises the findings of two recently completed studies by a group of scholars collaborating in the Research on Research Institute (RoRI) . One is a review of existing review articles of peer review innovations which identifies three high-level categories: approaches to peer review, reviewer focussed initiatives and technology to support peer review. The other is an empirical paper analyzing the results of a survey about ongoing innovation projects among publishers, academic journal editors, and other organizations in the scholarly communication ecosystem which resulted in a dataset of 95 self-defined innovations.
Las estafas más recientes de las revistas depredadoras (o piratas)
La piratería y más directamente la estafa de los editores depredadores va creciendo en el mundo y es una preocupación creciente en la publicación académica que ha llamado la atención a los editores más serios. Este problema no es tan grave en la publicación científica de América Latina. Basado en el informe Predatory publishers’ latest scam: bootlegged and rebranded paper publicado por Nature en octubre 2021, el autor muestra los procedimientos engañosos usados, explica porqué las revistas depredadoras son usadas por los autores y propone soluciones para evitar y/o contrarrestar el daño.
How altmetrics are used to evaluate scientific output in Latin America
A SCIELO altmetric study was carried out to assess the presence of scientific research output in Latin America on the social web using the collection of journals and articles indexed in SciELO. The conclusion was that 58% of journals and 13% of articles represent the penetration of altmetrics in Latin America. Mentions predominate in Health and Biological Sciences journals and in articles published in English, with Twitter being the highlight among the sources of mention. Additionally, based on insertion, dissemination and internationalization indicators, it was possible to identify groups of countries with different profiles.
See also this article in Spanish and Portuguese.
2nd edition of the International Directory Organizations in Grey Literature
This 2nd Edition of International Directory Organizations in Grey Literature (IDGL) includes the organization’s URL (Uniform Resource Locator) and its ROR (Research Organization Registry) ID. The ROR-ID record further contains other persistent identifiers such as the organization’s GRID (Global Research Identifier), ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier), Crossref Funder ID, and Wikidata. Organizations are listed under the country in which they reside and appear in alphabetical order based on their name.
A New Year at ROR
The end of January 2022 marked the third anniversary of ROR’s launch at PIDapalooza 2019 in Dublin. Continuing with a tradition from the prior two years (2020 in Lisbon, and 2021 on Zoom), the 2022 ROR annual meeting consisted of 2 virtual sessions with around 100 community members from 26 different countries. Participants reviewed developments from 2021, discussed upcoming milestones in 2022, heard from ROR adopters about how ROR IDs are being implemented in a variety of settings, and brainstormed ideas for the future.
Interview with Chris Oliver on new book Introduction to RDA (Resource Description and Access)
Now available for purchase on the ALA Store website, Introduction to RDA: A Guide to the Basics after 3R, Second Edition is Christine Oliver’s primer guide to the RDA cataloging standard for library and information science students, records managers, catalogers, and other library professionals. The new print book specifically covers the changes to RDA reflected in the official RDA Toolkit launched on 15 December 2021. ALA Digital Reference interviewed Christine Oliver about the revised RDA and resources that catalogers can use to build their command of it. Read the complete interview.
ISBD: Update 2021 to the 2011 Consolidated Edition
ISNI in Cataloging in Publication (CIP) records
The Library of Congress has been exploring ways to include ISNI in its Cataloging in Publication (CIP) records. In August 2021, the optional inclusion of ISNI for personal names was implemented. The CIP submission portal, PrePub BookLink, has been enhanced to enable publishers to supply ISNI for personal names as part of requesting CIP cataloging for their forthcoming books. CIP Program staff add the ISNI to the name authority record in the LC Name Authority File; they have added ISNI for 108 personal names to date. The project team is working next on automating the inclusion of ISNI in the bibliographic and authority records in the MARC 024 field.
See page 9 of Library of Congress Update for ALA LibLearnX, January 20, 2022
NASIG 2022 Conference Registration is Open!
After 2 years of great virtual meetings, the NASIG 2022 conference is announced to be held in Baltimore, 5-9 June 2022. A virtual pre-recorded option is offered in addition to live-only on-site sessions. Registration is open. The conference schedule will be coming soon.
RDA Toolkit Application Profiles: A Deeper Dive (and How Not to Drown)
The American Library Association (ALA) Digital Reference is announcing a webinar on Thursday, March 3, 2022 from 6 PM to 7 PM Chicago time. Register now.
Presenter Melissa Parent from the State Library of Victoria will provide an overview of the basics of Resource Description and Access (RDA) Application Profile development and share insights from approaches taken by Australian organizations. What’s worked, what has not worked, and what is still being worked through?