ISSN Newsletter n° 110 - September / October 2022
 ISSN news
Journals preserved or how to turn Diamond into JASPER
Gaëlle Béquet, Director of ISSN International Centre, published an article in UKSG Insights about the JASPER project. Open access journals are poorly preserved, as shown by two recent studies based on an analysis of titles indexed by DOAJ. This worrying finding has motivated DOAJ, CLOCKSS, Keepers Registry, Internet Archive and Public Knowledge Project to join forces to propose an archiving solution for journals without article processing charges. The JASPER project resulted in the creation of a tool and a workflow allowing the preservation of a dozen journals. The next step is to go to scale (more journals archived, more agencies involved), conditioned subject to the mobilization of external funding.
Identifying OA Journals: A Core Business of the ISSN Network
The ISSN International Centre and its Network launched the Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources in 2013. ROAD is a free service that received a grant from the Communication and Information Sector of UNESCO at its inception. It is now included in the ISSN Portal and it provides metadata related to 5 types of multidisciplinary, open access resources, i.e. journals, monographic series, scholarly blogs, academic repositories and conferences proceedings. In 2021, ROAD selection criteria were revised to tighten up inclusion in the service and to counter some improprieties.
Beyond the issue of OA scholarly resources and their selection, this presentation at IFLA 2022 in Dublin is the opportunity to learn more about the ISSN Network and especially about ISSN Ireland which is hosted by the National Library of Ireland.
The latest edition of ISO Standard 3297:2022 International standard serial number (ISSN) has been published
The 7th and latest edition of this ISO Standard, for which the ISSN International Centre is the registration authority, has been published. Have a look at the table of contents and glossary of ISO3297:2022 here:
Digitalisation des services éditoriaux de la bibliothèque nationale : Les acteurs de la chaîne du livre s’imprègnent de la réforme
Le Directeur général de la Bibliothèque Nationale du Bénin (BNB), Monsieur Koffi ATTEDE, s’est entretenu le 7 septembre 2022 avec les acteurs de la chaîne du livre et les professionnels des médias sur l’ensemble des réformes entreprises pour la modernisation de la structure. Pour les participants, c’était l’occasion de se familiariser avec les nouvelles modalités d’obtention des numéros ISBN, ISSN et dépôt légal. Cette plateforme numérique de fourniture et de paiement en ligne des identifiants et du dépôt légal est accessible à cette adresse: Un tutoriel explique le processus. Pour le Directeur général de la BNB, cette réforme numérique de l’identification des livres et périodiques à la Bibliothèque nationale du Bénin répond à un besoin spécifique important : faciliter l’accès aux services de qualité de la BNB partout dans le monde.
ISSN IC @NISO+ Forum and @Society for Scholarly Publishing Seminar (20-22 September, Washington DC, USA)
Gaëlle Béquet, ISSN International Centre Director, participated in the NISO+ Forum about identifiers and metadata held on 20 September 2022. She also attended the 2022 Society for Scholarly Publishing Seminar New Directions in Scholarly Publishing on 21-22 September 2022 ( Meetings are also scheduled with Library of Congress colleagues at the ISSN US Centre.
ISSN IC @OASPA 2022 Conference (20-22 September 2022, online)
Nathalie Cornic, ISSN International Centre’s Head of the Metadata and Technical Coordination of the ISSN network, participated in the 2022 OASPA Online Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing “Beyond Open Access” which took place 20 – 22 September 2022. The program is available here:
 Digital preservation
New Ithaka S+R report on Digital Preservation and Curation Systems
Ithaka S+R issued in July 2022 a really valuable report titled “The Effectiveness and Durability of Digital Preservation and Curation Systems”, authored by Oya Rieger, Roger Schoenfeld and Liam Sweeney, funded by a grant from the US Institute for Museum and Library Studies. This is the kind of broad landscape survey that we very badly need as we seek to understand priorities and strategies for digital preservation; it’s also extremely helpful in that it sheds considerable light on the roles that commercial preservation services are taking on in this landscape.
ATG Interviews Alicia Wise, Executive Director of CLOCKSS
In a new Against The Grain interview, Tom Gilson and Katina Strauch talk with Alicia Wise, Executive Director of CLOCKSS. After presenting CLOCKSS’ services, Alicia Wise explains notably how the libraries and publishers in the CLOCKSS community work together to ensure success.
2022 Annual Wrap-Up
In June 2022, the American Library Association (ALA) held its 2022 Annual Conference and Exhibition, its first major in-person conference since the pandemic began. Major themes that resonated throughout the conference included book bans and censorship; issues around diversity, equity, and inclusion; examples of successful library programming during the pandemic; library funding strategies; patron and library worker safety; information access; and technology trends and challenges.
Key Highlights from LIBER 2022 Annual Conference — 6 – 8 July 2022, Odense, Denmark
The LIBER Annual Conference took place from 6 – 8 July 2022 in Odense, Denmark.
All presentations from the LIBER 2022 sessions have been uploaded to LIBER 2022 Zenodo Community Page. Official photos (by Saif Shneyin) can be found on Flickr here.
5 things librarians can do right now to support the UN SDGs
Since their launch in 2015, the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals have become embedded in the research community. Many funders want to see how research aligns to SDG targets and there are now programmes in place to measure university contributions to the goals. But how can libraries contribute to this vital work?
Politique documentaire et science ouverte, la nouvelle donne ?
Christine Ollendorff, Directrice de la documentation et de la prospective à Arts et Métiers Science et Technologies et Claire Nguyen, Directrice adjointe et responsable du service de la politique documentaire du SCD de l’université Paris-Dauphine, analysent pour le BBF les impacts de la science ouverte sur la politique documentaire et l’évolution des compétences des professionnels.
 Open Access
The oligopoly’s shift to open access publishing
The authors are analysing how for-profit publishers benefit from gold and hybrid article processing charges. This study estimates fees paid for gold and hybrid open access articles in journals published by the oligopoly of academic publishers, which acknowledge funding from the Canadian Tri-Agency. It employs bibliometric methods using data from Web of Science, Unpaywall, open datasets of article processing charges list prices as well as historical fees retrieved via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, for open access articles published mainstream between 2015 and 2018.
New international recommendations for open access publishing – #BOAI20
On the 20th anniversary of the first international declaration on open access (Budapest Open Access Initiative-BOAI, 2002), when the concept of “open access” was coined, the Open Access Initiative announces new international recommendations that aim to dismantle inequalities and achieve greater equity and inclusiveness in creating, contributing to, accessing, and benefiting from knowledge.
Access to the full text of the #BOAI20 Recommendations (in English/in Spanish).
Key Aspects of Open Access
While the concept of Open Access may appear simple, its execution is complicated due to the numerous operational and commercial models that must be considered. Not every OA model is suitable for every publication, and models therefore need to be assessed within the context of each business. Straive’s Whitepaper, ‘Key Aspects of Open Access,’ provides a brief overview of the essential aspects of Open Access.
Download the report.
COAR Releases Community Framework for Good Practices in Repositories, Version 2
The aim of the Framework is to provide a global, multidimensional framework for good practices in repositories that can be applied to different types of repositories (publication, institutional, data, etc.) and across geographical and thematic contexts.
This version contains Essential and Desired Criteria in eight sections: (1) Discovery, (2) Access, (3) Reuse, (4) Integrity and Authenticity, (5) Quality Assurance, (6) Preservation, (7) Sustainability and Governance, and (8) Other Areas. It includes some new criteria and clarifies the wording of others.
Direct to Full Text: COAR Community Framework for Good Practices in Repositories, Version 2
DIAMAS receives grant to develop Diamond Open Access publishing in Europe
 Publishing Industry
Springer Nature’s fully OA portfolio ‘delivers greater benefits’
A comprehensive analysis of Springer Nature’s fully open access (OA) portfolio of over 580 journals released in August 2022, shows the tangible impact publishing in these journals is having for its authors and the research communities it serves. Springer Nature continues to drive forward OA not only through its fully OA portfolio, but also through the introduction of new routes to OA, be that through its transformative agreements (TA), new fully OA journals, books and platforms, or through the development of transformative journals (TJ). The full report can be accessed here. Download the list of fully OA journals.
 Scholarly Communication
Statement on peer reviewed publications
The key principle of Plan S states that “from 2021, scientific publications that result from research funded by public grants must be published in compliant Open Access journals or platforms.” The Guidance document defines “scientific publications” further as “peer-reviewed scholarly publications”. In light of the accelerating development of journal-independent peer-review services, cOAlition S would like to explicitly state that ‘peer reviewed publications’ – defined here as scholarly papers that have been subject to a journal-independent standard peer review process with an implicit or explicit validation– are considered by most cOAlition S organisations to be of equivalent merit and status as peer-reviewed publications that are published in a recognised journal or on a platform.
‘Predatory’ publications put pressure on the integrity of scientific literature
The scale of ‘predatory publication practices’ and ‘predatory publication journals’ is global and can have far-reaching consequences. In 2019, to counter what has been termed ‘predatory’ publishing, over 40 academics and publishers from ten different countries reached a consensus definition. David Moher, Director of the Canadian Centre for Journalology is aware of the threat and calls for change in the research ecosystem. His team’s goal is to help enhance the reporting quality of biomedical journals. They are currently developing a tool that gathers information about journals’ peer-review practice and openness to help authors make better decisions about the journal they should submit their work to.
Scholarly journal publishing in Australia
There are currently 651 active Australian journals. The oldest started in the 19th century, and the 1990s was the top decade in terms of starting new journals. Australian journals mostly belong to or are affiliated with non-profit organizations, or educational institutions. While most of the journals are self-published, the publication of 162 journals has been outsourced to international commercial publishers, with most of these linked to non-profit organizations. About 40% of Australian journals are open access and most of them do not charge author-processing charges. Half of the Australian journals (326) are indexed in Scopus and slightly less than half (301) are included in Web of Science (WoS).
RDA in the German-speaking world (DACH)
In the framework of the 3R project for DACH libraries, an important step will be taken at the end of this year, together with the planned ending of the project. The first version of the DACH indexing manual will be published. This will include almost all item descriptions for published resources. A first application profile for published resources has been created. A training concept for the new cataloguing manual has been developed. At the same time, this project was submitted to the international discussion within the RSC.
QualiMarc : un outil en ligne pour évaluer la qualité des notices bibliographiques du Sudoc
Ces dernières années, de nombreuses voix se sont élevées dans le réseau SUDOC pour défendre la qualité des données et du catalogue : notamment, les outils CheckSudoc, VerifSudoc et Kalidos ont été adoptés par les catalogueurs ; des groupes de travail spécifiques ont été mis en place dans certains établissements.
Avec QualiMarc, le réseau Sudoc se dote d’un outil supplémentaire pour atteindre cet objectif : que chacun, quel que soit son niveau de catalogage, puisse produire des données de qualité pour l’Enseignement Supérieur et la Recherche français, en étant guidé sans être surveillé et en apprenant de ses erreurs.
ALA Bibliographic Conceptual Models Interest Group (BCM IG) to meet from 13-15 October 2022 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
The American Library Association (ALA) Bibliographic Conceptual Models Interest Group (BCM IG) provides a dedicated forum for the discussion of conceptual models, such as IFLA-LRM and BIBFRAME 2.0, that serve as the basis for current cataloging standards or are expected to provide a foundation for future cataloging standards in a Linked Open Data environment. The next Forum will take place from 13-15 October 2022 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Registration is open and you can look at the programme. You can download the previous BCM IG presentations dated July 2021.
Primer Congreso Iberoamericano de Ciencia Abierta
El primer Congreso Iberoamericano de Ciencia Abierta tendrá lugar en linea del 23 al 24 de noviembre 2022.
Hasta el 30 de septiembre se aprobarán los resúmenes de aquellos trabajos que pasarán al congreso.
Consultan las líneas temáticas y léanse la entrevista a Francisco Silva, Cofundador de Openlab Ecuador.
51ème congrès de l’ADBU, du 28 au 30 septembre 2022
Effets de la science ouverte sur les organisations, telle est la thématique du 51e congrès de l’Association des personnels de Direction des Bibliothèques Universitaires, l’ADBU, organisé en partenariat avec l’Université de Caen Normandie. Il aura lieu du 28 au 30 septembre 2022 au centre de congrès de Caen.
Inscriptions et informations.
Science Europe Open Science Conference 2022 will take place on 18-19 October 2022
Science Europe Open Science Conference 2022 will take place on 18-19 October 2022, and will be broacasted live from Brussels. Participants are invited to join the plenary and breakout sessions remotely.
Please register and download the programme.
Focus on Open Science Workshops
This series of workshops started in 2015 aim to address the challenges posed by Open Science, using the 8 pillars of Open Science identified by the European Commission in its Open Science Policy Platform.
Please have a look at chapter 36 about Open science in Latin America featuring notably Arianna Becerril García (Redalyc), and chapter 37 about transformative agreements , featuring notably Coleen Campbell (Open Access 2020 Initiative, Max Planck Digital Library) and Johan Rooryck (cOAlition S).
You can register for the next event to take place in Paris on 27 September.
2022 Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) to be held from October 29 to November 1, 2022 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA)
SSP 6th New Directions in Scholarly Publishing Seminar 21–22 September 2022, Washington, DC , and online
The Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) held its sixth annual New Directions in Scholarly Publishing Seminar, 21–22 September in Washington, DC, and online.
This year’s seminar, Creating the New Possible: Shaping the Future from Lessons Learned, gathered experts in the field to review the latest developments and innovations, and discuss how to collectively take the best of the lessons learnt over the past few years into the future.