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ISSN Newsletter n° 120 - July-august 2023
ISSN news
DOAJ is integrating live links to the ISSN Portal into their application form

DOAJ wants to help applicants submit a complete and correct application that won’t be rejected at the triage stage. One of the most common reasons for rejection at triage is that the journal’s ISSN isn’t fully registered or confirmed. To help applicants discover the status of their journal’s ISSNs, DOAJ is adding dynamic links under the ISSN fields in our form. The links will take the applicant directly to the ISSN entry in the ISSN portal. If an ISSN is provisional, the ISSN Portal will display this.

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Two proposals made by ISSN IC accepted by the MARC Advisory Committee

ISSN International Centre’s MARC proposal to create a new field for Cluster ISSNs​ was accepted by the MARC Advisory Committee on 28 June 2023.

Also, in June 2023, the MARC Office published the Update 36 which includes the field the ISSN International Centre requested jointly with the National Library of Finland, Field 857 for Electronic Archive Location and Access The MARC Update 37 with the new field 023 will be released in December 2023. Initial planning for the launch of the new Cluster ISSN, the Title History ISSN or ISSN-H, has begun, and it is expected to be activated at the same time as the new ISSN Portal in the first half of next year.

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The ISSN International Centre participates in the congress of the Association internationale francophone des bibliothécaires et documentalistes (AIFBD) (Brussels, 16-19 August 2023)

The ISSN International Centre is a sponsor of the AIFBD congress, which will take place from 16 to 19 August 2023 in Brussels. The conference theme is “Access to information at the heart of development: the case for libraries and documentation centres”. Gaëlle Béquet, Director of the ISSN International Centre, will deliver a presentation entitled “How to use the ISSN portal to check the conservation status of your digital journals”. The full programme is available here: .

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The ISSN International Centre @ IFLA WLIC 2023 (21-25 August, Rotterdam, The Netherlands)

The ISSN International Centre will exhibit at Booth n°A6 during the 88th IFLA World Library and Information Congress. Gaelle Bequet, Director of the ISSN International Centre, will give a presentation entitled “Managing your digital archiving policy with Keepers Registry” at the Expo Pavilion on August 22nd, 2023 (12:00-12:45). The full program is available here:

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Digital preservation
Digital Preservation Coalition and International Council on Archives recognize Friendship Agreement

With a long-standing alliance between the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) and the International Council on Archives (ICA) already in place, the two organizations observe the signing of a Friendship Agreement, at a joint webinar to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the ICA. In practice this means that the DPC and ICA will explore joint initiatives related to digital preservation that tackle significant topics relevant to both communities, as well as supporting each other in the creation and dissemination of resources for the use of archivists and digital preservation practitioners around the world.

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Swiss National Library starts collecting Wikipedia articles
National Library

The Swiss National Library is building a digital collection of Wikipedia articles related to Switzerland. The articles are to be permanently archived for future generations and made freely available online. The collection began in 2023 and includes more than 125,000 articles with a connection to Switzerland. Wikimedia expects an increase of around 5,000 Wikipedia articles a year. The archive is listed in the library catalogue Helveticat and can be consulted in e-Helvetica AccessExternal link, the entry portal to the National Library’s digital collections.


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Nouvelle fonctionnalité pour faciliter l’alignement avec IdRef lors de l’ajout d’éditeurs dans Mir@bel
logo IdRef

Pour accentuer l’alignement des données “éditeurs” de Mir@bel avec le référentiel IdRef, Mir@bel interroge IdRef pour récupérer automatiquement plusieurs données (nom, dates, pays…) si la structure éditoriale est déjà référencée dans IdRef. Cet objectif d’alignement du référencement des éditeurs français fait partie des jalons fixés par les quatorze partenaires du projet Mir@bel2022, dont l’Agence bibliographique de l’enseignement supérieur (Abes).

Ainsi, 167 nouvelles notices de collectivités éditrices françaises viennent d’être créées dans le référentiel IdRef, à partir des données de Mir@bel. En juin 2023, 4837 notices d’éditeurs de Mir@bel étaient alignées avec IdRef, dont 2458 pour la France (soit 94%).

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Open Science
Vuelta al Primer Congreso Iberoamericano de Ciencia Abierta

El Primer Congreso Iberoamericano de Ciencia Abierta tuvo lugar del 23 al 24 de noviembre 2022 en modalidad virtual. Fue promovido por la Fundación Openlab Ecuador, la Red de Investigación de Conocimiento, Software y Hardware Libre junto con el HUB de Innovación de la ciudad de Quito, y la Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (OEI).

Tiene como objetivo generar un espacio de diálogo iberoamericano entre la Academia, el Estado y la Sociedad Civil sobre el derecho a la ciencia y la importancia de promover transformaciones en la forma como se comprende la ciencia desde una mirada inclusiva, abierta, participativa y responsable.

Las presentaciones y charlas registradas en vídeo están disponibles.

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Open Access
Frais de publication : « nous sommes au bord du gouffre »

La publication d’articles scientifiques en accès ouvert immédiat s’accomplit de plus en plus souvent moyennant le paiement de frais de publication. D’autres frais de publication existent, augmentent, voire sont nouvellement créés et pèsent eux aussi sur le budget de la recherche. Décryptage de ce phénomène inquiétant avec Alain Schuhl, directeur général délégué à la science au CNRS.

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Which are the ways for a direct support of open access Diamond journals ?

The project The socioeconomics of scientific publication of the French Committee for Open Science has published a study on Diamond open access journals business models. The final report presents the results by proposing four models for Diamond open access journals direct support, highlighting the parts of the publication process that could be directly funded (after identifying the various players), and specifying the technical conditions for implementing a direct funding model. The report also identifies the advantages and limitations of such models.

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16th Berlin Open Access Conference report

National-level delegations representing research communities from 38 countries across six continents gathered at the 16th Berlin Open Access Conference (B16) held from 6-7 June 2023 in Berlin, Germany. Returning to the setting of the inaugural conference in this series, which gave rise to the foundational Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities (2003) some twenty years ago, the international B16 participants utilized the conference to refine, renew, and coordinate its approaches and strategies, with a particular focus on transformative open access negotiations with scholarly publishers.

Read the report.

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The effect of data sources on the measurement of open access: A comparison of Dimensions and the Web of Science

Existing studies have provided estimates of the prevalence of OA publications ranging from 27.9% to 53.7%, depending on the data source and period of investigation. This paper aims at providing a comparison of the proportion of OA publishing as represented in two major bibliometric databases, Web of Science (WoS) and Dimensions, and assesses how the choice of database affects the measurement of OA across different countries. The paper concludes with a discussion of the cause and consequences of these differences, motivating the use of more inclusive databases when examining OA.

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New Open Access Toolkit to Empower Scholarly Publishers and Researchers
A screenshot of the Toolkit homepage from

The Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA) and DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) released a new Open Access Journals Toolkit. The launch of the Toolkit marks a significant milestone in the efforts of OASPA and DOAJ to promote transparency, accessibility, and inclusivity in scholarly publishing. Intended for anyone involved in journal publishing and with a strong focus on helping under-resourced journals globally, the Toolkit enables empowered and informed decision-making. It will contribute to the advancement of scholarly publishing standards and best practices.

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Publishing Industry
Clarivate Enriches Web of Science Platform with Integration of ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global

Clarivate Plc announced the integration of ProQuest™ Dissertations & Theses Global with its renowned Web of Science™ platform. This integration enables researchers to gain quick and easy access to a vast multidisciplinary collection of early career scholarship of more than 5.5 million global dissertations and theses.

The new solution, ProQuest™ Dissertations & Theses Citation Index, offers a comprehensive research experience with access to discover early career research alongside journals, preprints and other scholarly sources within a single platform

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Scholarly Communication
2023 JCRs redefine trust and impact

Nandita Quaderi, Editor-in-Chief and Vice President of the Web of Science, Clarivate, explains the important changes to the 2023 Journal Citation Reports release.

For nearly half a century, the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) has been a beacon of credibility, providing the global academic community with invaluable insights into the world’s leading journals. The 2023 release of the Journal Citation Reports embraces important changes that usher in a new era of comprehensive coverage and the evolution of the Journal Impact Factor (JIF) to become an indicator of journal trustworthiness as well as impact.

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OPERAS welcomes EU Council Conclusions supporting diversity and ensuring equity in scholarly publishing

The Council of the European Union adopted on May 2023 conclusions on the ‘high quality, transparent, open, trustworthy and equitable scholarly publishing’, calling for immediate and unrestricted Open Access in publishing research involving public funds (Council conclusion).

OPERAS welcomes this official positioning of the council on diversity and equity in publishing academic results and the emphasis on “that immediate and unrestricted open access should be the norm in publishing research involving public funds, with transparent pricing commensurate with the publication services and where costs are not covered by individual authors or readers”. Read Council conclusion p. 5.

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ORCID Increases Financial Support for ROR

As use cases build in the global research ecosystem around persistent identifiers (PIDs) for research organizations, ORCID has recently increased its financial commitment to the first and only openly available organization identifier—Research Organization Registry (ROR). Instead of disambiguating people as ORCID does, ROR disambiguates institution names, captures affiliations, links affiliation metadata to research outputs, and exchanges affiliation information across scholarly systems, making it an indispensable component of a research ecosystem that connects researchers with their research.

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Countdown Clock for Original RDA Toolkit Set for May 2026

The RDA Board plans to begin a countdown clock in May 2026 (specific date still to be determined), with the removal of the original Toolkit taking place a year later—May 2027. This plan was presented to the RDA Steering Committee in May 2023, and the RSC fully supported this decision.

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NLM Office Hours Webinar: PubMed, August 23, 2023 at 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT on Zoom

Following the past webinar How PubMed Works: Selection held on July 13, 2023, join the next National Library of Medicine (NLM) Office Hours on Wednesday, August 23, 2023 from 3-4 PM Eastern Time to find out what’s new with PubMed. Amanda Sawyer from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) PubMed team will give an encore presentation of the PubMed Update session offered at the MLA Annual Conference this past May, with a few new updates to reflect the latest developments.

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Global Summit on Diamond Open Access, Toluca, Mexico, 23-27 October 2023

The event brings together the global OA Diamond community and is organised by Redalyc, the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, AmeliCA, UNESCO, CLACSO and the Action Plan for Diamond Open Access.

The Summit combines two events. The first conference of this double agenda, is the 4th Redalyc Journal Editors International Conference, which will also celebrate the Redalyc 20th anniversary and will include the 2nd Meeting of AmeliCA members. The second event will welcome the 2nd Diamond Open Access Conferencewhich brings together signatories of the Action Plan for Diamond Open Access.

The registration is open.

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MDG Conference 2023 (6-7 September) and UKCoR RDA Day 2023 (8 September)

The CILIP Metadata and Discovery Group (MDG) biennial conference “ReDiscovery” will be followed by the UK Committee on RDA (UKCoR) at IET Birmingham: Austin Court in Birmingham, England.

The MDG Conference will explore all aspects of metadata and discovery from traditional library and special collections cataloguing to archival description, and from metadata management for research repositories to issues of cataloguing, Linked Data, and Persistent Identifiers (PIDs).

The RDA Day on Friday 8th September will support those wishing to understand the Resource Description and Access content standard and more.

The programme is online.

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Webinar – Shaping the Future of Scholarly Communication: The Role of Preprint Peer Review, Thursday 27 July 2023 Time: 4.00 pm UK (BST) / 3.00 pm UTC / 5 pm CEST

This webinar will provide an overview of the preprint peer review landscape and different preprint peer review services.

Please join the session live for this free webinar and contribute to the discussion.

Link to registration page:

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OASPA Online Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing, from 19 -21 September 2023

The 2023 online conference will encourage participants to work towards making equitable open scholarship a reality and will address many timely and fundamental topics relating to open scholarly communication.

Registration now open –

You can refer to Recordings from OASPA 2022.

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Committee on Standards at WLIC 2023: Sessions about IFLA Standards (Tuesday, 22 August, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM)

The Advisory Committee on Standards (CoS) welcomes you to its sessions during the World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) in Rotterdam: Standards business meeting, Review Group committee meetings, open sessions will take place from 20-24 August 2023.

During the open session : ISBDM or ISBD Reshaped to LRM: Towards Integrating IFLA Bibliographic Standards to be held on Tuesday, 22 August, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM, the IFLA ISBD Review Group will present the latest developments of the ISBDM, that is an ISBD reshaped to LRM, that is an ISBD that has completed its transformation into a modular, entity-based content standard, implementing and extending LRM, structure wise and modelling wise.

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WLIC 2023 Satellite meeting Universal Bibliographic Control at the crossroads: the challenges of unifying IFLA bibliographic standards, KBR, the Royal Library of Belgium, 18-19 August 2023

Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC) was created jointly by IFLA and UNESCO as part of a global effort to ensure better access to information. UBC has long been a fundamental part of the international framework for the bibliographic aspect of libraries’ work. IFLA’s UBCIM Programme has been responsible for the creation of the ISBDs as well as UNIMARC. 20 years after it closed, and about a decade after IFLA’s last collective reflection and declaration on UBC (IFLA Professional Statement on Universal Bibliographic Control and Lyon Declaration), the IFLA Sections on BibliographyCataloguing and Subject Analysis and Access invite metadata specialists from all around the world to convene at KBR in Brussels to start discussing a new framework for the coming decades. At a time when IFLA is re-examining its technical and strategic infrastructure for metadata standards creation and maintenance to take into account the new environment of data exchange for data interoperability, each individual term of the “UBC” concept can be questioned.

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IFLA’s Special Interest Group on Library Publishing, Saturday, August 19, 2023, 8:45 – 5:15 p.m. Royal Library of the Netherlands, The Hague

The meeting whose topic is The Global Impact of Library Publishing seeks to explore how the growth of this passionate and energetic work by library publishers is impacting three areas of high value for society:  (1) Library Publishing Supporting open science; (2) Library Publishing Supporting open pedagogy; and (3) Library Publishing Supporting an educated society.

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Inclusiveness through Openness IFLA Satellite Conference | Erasmus University Library, Rotterdam, 18-19 August 2023

The value of open access in scholarly communication has been understood for almost as long as the internet has offered the potential to disseminate information and materials immediately and universally. Twenty years after the start of the open access movement, the scholarly communication ecosystem is rapidly evolving into an open paradigm, and we can easily imagine a not-so-distant future in which open scholarship is the norm.

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