Survey about the ISSN Standard
The ISSN International Centre expresses its thanks to the 1491 colleagues and partners who have submitted a response to the Opinion Survey about the ISSN Standard. The survey was circulated in 7 languages and has attracted attention in 78 countries. The ISO Working Group on the revision of the ISSN standard will now discuss the survey findings. We will keep you posted!
Publishing Industry
Cambridge University Press innovates with Cambridge Core Share
Cambridge University Press has just launched a new content sharing service called Cambridge Core Share. Authors and subscribers can now generate a read-only link to a journal article which can be shared online, allowing anyone to read the final published version of the article for free. This new sharing service is available to over 150 journals, and to content published from 2016 onwards, during an initial pilot. Cambridge Core Share allows article usage to be recorded, thus enabling authors to demonstrate the impact of their work.
>> Cambridge University Press, December 2017  |
Springer Nature launches its Metadata Downloader
An enhanced Metadata Downloader to replace the current MARC downloader has been launched by Springer Nature. This web tool provides librarians and library cataloguers with downloadable metadata updates which can be embedded into library catalogues, as well as title lists for a library’s licensed content.
With the launch of the Metadata Downloader, Springer Nature is also increasing the frequency of available data updates for books and journals hosted on its content platform SpringerLink. Records are updated on a daily basis.
>> UKSG eNews, January 2018  |
2018 IFLA SOCRS Call for Papers
The Serials and Other Continuing Resources Section (SOCRS) invites colleagues to submit proposals for its two-hour open session at the IFLA Congress in Kuala Lumpur on the theme Empowering Scholarly Communication Transforms Societies.
Scholarly Communication encompasses the cycle of the creation, publication, dissemination, discovery and evaluation of scholarly research. It includes everything from data and journal articles to blog postings. Researchers, funders, publishers and, of course, librarians all have roles to play in the scholarly communication life cycle. This program will examine the pivotal role libraries play in scholarly communication. It will explore the most effective ways for libraries to be involved in the process.
Proposal submission deadline: March 1st, 2018.
>> IFLA WLIC 2018, January 2018  |
Using Library Funds to Support Open Access Publishing through Crowdfunding: Going Beyond Article Processing Charges
Publishers commonly use Article Processing Charges (APCs) to fund open access publications, and some libraries and institutions help local authors pay these costs. However, this strategy is expensive and can usually only address one article at a time. A number of relatively new publishing initiatives rely on a crowdfunding model and allow many libraries to share the cost of open access, often at a fraction of the cost of APCs. This article highlights several alternative publishing projects to help librarians think further about how library funds could be used to support open access.
>> Scholar Works IUPUI, January 2018  |
Redefining Libraries, Librarianship, and ALA at ALA Midwinter 2018
The ALA (American Library Association) Midwinter meeting 2018 reflected a response to disruption by taking on an ambitious agenda of self-redefinition as institutions, an organization, and a profession. Library Journal reviewed this event.
>> Library Journal, February 2018  |
Innovating for Impact: The Next Evolution of Library Consortia
Academic library consortia have traditionally focused on resource sharing and e-resource purchasing as core programs and value propositions for members. However, as academic libraries increasingly look beyond financial value and seek to demonstrate impact on institutional priorities and student outcomes, consortia must evolve to provide services that support those goals. This paper presents selected examples of innovative consortial programs that can have a significant impact on teaching, learning, and research at members’ institutions as suggested models for other consortia that may be engaged in reviewing strategic priorities and programs.
>> Collaborative Librarianship, Vol. 9 : Iss. 4, December 2017  |
Scholarly Communication
Digital Science Launches Dimensions Platform with Free Discovery for OA Citations
Digital Science debuted Dimensions, an innovating research information database that links publications, grants, policy, data and metrics with a highly curated and strongly normalized data frame. The free core version of the platform delivers access to over 9 million open access articles, as well as 860 million abstracts and citations, accompanied with top line altmetrics information. Both paid versions Dimensions Plus and Dimensions Analytics provide full access to the platform’s underlying content and additional features. Built using real-world use cases, it combines advanced concept extraction, natural language processing, categorization and complex machine learning to create a flexible and robust tool that meets the most demanding modern research needs. This blog post gets into deeper technological details.
>> Library Journal, January 2018  |
Predatory publishing from a Global South Perspective
Reggie Raju, Deputy Director of Research and Learning Services at the University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa, is interrogating the concept of predatory publishing. He alerts on the significant damage caused by the unilateral definition and the application of extremely generalized criteria. Time has come to develop inclusive open access practises. It is proposed that the Library Publishing Coalition develops a white paper that can help wipe out the vestiges of the Beall’s list and develop an inclusive set of criteria for acceptable research publications.
>> Library Publishing Coalition, February 2018  |
Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing
>> OASPA blog, January 2018  |
Open Access
Radiography of open access academic publishing and its bibliometric indicators
A detailed report of a study performed by Science-Metrix funded by the US National Science Foundation, analyzes the situation of Open Access in the second half of 2016. This report details population-level measurements of the open access (OA) availability of publications indexed in two bibliometric databases—the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus. The study identified that among the countries with the highest scientific output, more than 50% of papers published between 2010 and 2014 were available in open access, with Brazil taking the lead with 75% of articles. The study also presents the citation patterns of open access articles in relation to paywalled articles.
>> SciELO in Perspective, February 2018  |
Declaration of Mexico in support of the Latin American non-commercial Open Access Ecosystem
The Joint Declaration LATINDEX–REDALYC–CLACSO–IBICT in support of the Latin American non-commercial Open Access Ecosystem was adopted on Dec. 15th, 2017 in Mexico. This declaration recommends the use of CC-BY-NC-SA license to guarantee the protection of the academic and scientific output in Open Access, and aims to create, share, maintain and preserve knowledge produced in the region.
The declaration is published in Spanish, English, Portuguese and German.
>> Declaración de Mexico, January 2018  |
DOAJ launches its Best Practice Guide
>> DOAJ, January 2018  |
Open access levels: A quantitative exploration using Web of Science and oaDOI data
It is assumed that open access levels are growing, but hitherto the exact levels and patterns of open access have been hard to determine and detailed quantitative studies are scarce. Using newly available open access status data from oaDOI in Web of Science, two librarians from the Utrecht University Library explored open access levels across research fields, languages, countries, institutions, funders and topics. They tried to relate the resulting patterns to disciplinary, national and institutional contexts. Suggestions are presented to improve conditions for tracking open access status of research output.
>> PeerJ Preprints 6:e3520v1, January 2018  |
Third Redalyc International Publishing Congress
Topic: Building the scholarly publishing model of the global South
Posters submission deadline: Feb. 28th, 2018
>> 3rd Redalyc International Publishing Congress, Trujillo, Peru, 16-18 May 2018  |
RLUK Conference 2018
Topic: Metamorphosis: the changing role of the modern research library
The programme is online.
>> RLUK Conference 2018, British Library, London, UK, 14-16 March 2018  |
UKSG 2018 Annual Conference
>> UKSG Annual Conference and exhibition, Glasgow, 9-11 April 2018  |
IFLA WLIC 2018 Calls for Papers for the Open Sessions
The IFLA Professional Units issued their Calls for Papers for the IFLA WLIC 2018 .
General topic: Transform Libraries, Transform Societies.
>> IFLA WLIC 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 24-30 August 2018  |