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ISBD Revision: Aligning the ISBD to IFLA LRM, a chance to get involved!




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The  International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD) Review Group is seeking candidates to join its revision works aiming at aligning the ISBD to the IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM).

The terms of reference for this aligning revision are to:

  • Complete an alignment of the ISBD to the LRM at the-Manifestation entity level;
  • Analyze the gaps in the element sets of the 2021 Update of the ISBD Consolidated edition 2011;
  • Produce the ISBD for Manifestation (ISBDM); that is an element set for the alignment with stipulations for describing an ISBD manifestation according to LRM.

Candidates will be selected and will work closely with the ISBD for Manifestation Task Force.