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COAR Comments on NISO Open Access Metadata and Indicators

The Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) supports NISO’s (National Information Standards Organization) efforts to harmonize the expression of open access and re-use rights for publications. Among the 5 solutions submitted, COAR insists on the necessity of a common vocabulary and widens the scope of recommendations to research data.

Packaging eSerials for Transfer and Preservation

The Library of Congress participates in the NISO project PESC (Protocol for Exchanging Serial Content) which aims at developping a recommended practice for exchange and archiving of serial publications.

NISO Releases Draft Open Access and Metadata Indicators Recommended Practice for Comments

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO, United States) is seeking comments on the draft recommended practice Open Access Metadata and Indicators (NISO RP-22-201x). Launched in January 2013, the NISO Open Access Metadata and Indicators Working Group was chartered to develop protocols and mechanisms for machine-processing metadata and identifying the accessibility or rights status.