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ENSTINET and ISSN Egypt play a leading role in science communication in Egypt




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The Egyptian National Scientific and Technical Information Network (ENSTINET) was created in 1986 by the Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT). ENSTINET has been hosting ISSN Egypt since 1990. ENSTINET manages a technological platform supporting research in Egypt. It operates the National Research and Education Network. It collaborates with similar organisations in Europe (GEANT) and the USA (Internet2). ENSTINET also hosts the Egyptian Knowledge Bank Portal the National Scientific and Technical Repository and a publishing platform among other services. Through agreements with 31 publishers as of 2022, 120 databases are made available to Egyptian researchers and students. ENSTINET and ISSN Egypt have been instrumental in the creation of the Arabic Citation Index with Clarivate ( to make research in Arab States more visible.