The ISSN Network today
The list of the ISSN MEMBER COUNTRIES is now downloadable (in pdf).
Your country is not yet a member of the network ? Join us
- National Centres
- International Centre
- Creation in progress

Disclaimer : The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of
any opinion whatsoever on the part of the ISSN International Centre concerning the legal status of any country, territory,
city or any area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
- Algeria / Algérie
- Argentina / Argentine
- Armenia / Arménie
- Australia / Australie
- Austria / Autriche
- Bahrain (Kingdom of) / Bahreïn (Royaume du)
- Belgium / Belgique
- Benin/ Bénin
- Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnie Herzégovine
- Brazil / Brésil
- Bulgaria / Bulgarie
- Burkina Faso
- Canada
- Chile / Chili
- China / Chine
- Colombia / Colombie
- Costa Rica
- Croatia / Croatie
- Cyprus / Chypre
- Czechia / Tchèquie (La)
- Denmark / Danemark
- Dominican Republic / République Dominicaine
- Ecuador / Equateur
- Egypt / Egypte
- Estonia / Estonie
- Finland / Finlande
- France
- Gambia / Gambie
- Georgia / Géorgie
- Germany / Allemagne
- Ghana
- Greece / Grèce
- Hungary / Hongrie
- Iceland / Islande
- India / Inde
- Indonesia / Indonésie
- Iran (Islamic Republic of) / Iran (République Islamique d’)
- Ireland / Irlande
- Italy / Italie
- Jamaica / Jamaïque
- Japan / Japon
- Korea (Republic of) / Corée (République de)
- Kyrgyzstan / Kirghizistan
- Latvia / Lettonie
- Lesotho
- Lithuania / Lituanie
- Luxembourg
- Malaysia / Malaisie
- Mali
- Mauritius / Maurice
- Mexico / Mexique
- Moldova / Moldavie
- Montenegro / Monténégro
- Morocco / Maroc
- Namibia / Namibie
- Nepal / Népal
- Netherlands / Pays-Bas
- New Zealand / Nouvelle-Zélande
- Niger
- Nigeria / Nigeria
- Norway / Norvège
- Oman
- Panama
- Peru / Pérou
- Philippines
- Poland / Pologne
- Portugal
- Publications Office of the European Union / Office des publications de l’Union européenne
- Republic of North Macedonia / République de Macédoine du Nord
- Romania / Roumanie
- Russian Federation / Fédération de Russie
- Saudi Arabia / Arabie Saoudite
- Senegal / Sénégal
- Serbia / Serbie
- Seychelles
- Singapore / Singapour
- Slovakia / Slovaquie
- Slovenia / Slovénie
- Spain / Espagne
- Sri Lanka
- Sudan / Soudan
- Sweden / Suède
- Switzerland / Suisse
- Tanzania (United Republic of) / Tanzanie (République Unie de)
- Thailand / Thaïlande
- Tunisia / Tunisie
- Türkiye / Turquie
- Ukraine
- United Arab Emirates / Emirats Arabes Unis
- United Kingdom / Royaume-Uni
- United States / Etats-Unis
- Uruguay
- Uzbekistan / Ouzbékistan
- Venezuela / Vénézuela
- Vietnam
Your country is not yet a member of the network ? Join us
- National Centres
- International Centre
- Creation in progress
Disclaimer : The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of
any opinion whatsoever on the part of the ISSN International Centre concerning the legal status of any country, territory,
city or any area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.