International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world


ISO standard 3297 to go through a second FDIS vote in 2020

The two resolutions submitted to vote by ISO TC46/SC9 regarding ISO standard 3297 were officially approved by 20 national standard bodies on March 17th, 2020. A final draft of ISSN standard will be balloted by ISO in the coming weeks.



Notice to publishers (March 19th, 2020)

Due to the pandemic of COVID-19 in France and the measures imposed by the French authorities to limit contagion, ISSN International Center staff work from home. In the current circumstances, we kindly advise you, whenever possible, to pay your ISSN credits and your subscriptions to the ISSN International Center services by credit card in order to facilitate the management of your requests. You can still pay invoices by bank transfer. However, we are not in a position to guarantee the usual processing time for your requests and the rapid availability of your ISSN credits. We apologize for these temporary difficulties.


Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on ISSN National Centres’ current activities

Due to the COVID-19 global outbreak and health and social measures imposed by several national authorities, ISSN National Centres and their hosting institutions may encounter technical and operational issues. This situation may have an impact on the management of publishers’ ISSN requests, ISSN assignments and ISSN Portal updates. We thank you for your patience and your understanding.